Duramin-40 Semi-Automatic and Fully Automatic Micro/Macro Tester


Duramin-40 is the primary range of Struers micro/macro hardness testers. It is available with a manual and motorised XY-stage and with an overview camera. Duramin-40 comes with three load ranges; 10 gf – 10 kgf, 10 gf – 31.25 kgf, and 1 gf – 62.5 kgf. The tester includes an integrated PC with a separate monitor for touch screen or mouse operation. Duel monitors are also an option. The test cycle is fully automatic and a motorised 6-position turret is standard. Add-on modules include Kc fracture measurements, mapping and weld measurements.


  • Unique hardness testing system
  • Flexible test load range
  • Motorized Z-axis
  • Overview camera
  • Anti-collision protection
  • Application-specific software modules


Models Available:

  1. Duramin-40 M1/A1/AC1
  2. Duramin-40 M2/A2/AC2
  3. Duramin-40 M3/A3/AC3

You can do testing repeatability on wide rages of load capacities. Kindly visit our fully automatic micro/macro tester: Duramin-100


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